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Writer's pictureNicole Birkholzer

Do you communicate with animals?

Hello, my dear … thank you for tuning in again!

It occurred to me to take some time to go into a little more detail about what animal communication is all about. I bet many of you who listen to this podcast are also animal communicators. You might not have a shingle out, but you speak with and speak up for your animals regularly.

And I figured if I described animal communication a bit, you might recognize yourself and feel affirmed. And … you might also hear a few ideas that might spark you to explore more and go deeper into animal communication.

So … let’s define what animal communication means.

There are two ways to look at it.

If you googled it, you would probably get a definition similar to this:

Animal communication is the practice of communicating with animals using non-verbal cues and telepathic communication. It involves creating a deep, empathetic connection with animals and listening to their needs, desires, and emotions. It is a holistic approach to understanding animals that focuses on building a respectful relationship between humans and animals.

And I would say that is correct.

And I also feel the description is not as expansive or encompassing as needed.

Using telepathy and non-verbal cues is one small aspect of animals communicating with each other. Let’s look at a herd of horses. I always go back to the wild animals to learn true communication.

Wild horses do not only communicate telepathically. Not even close. They use their energy and their body. I mean, watch a herd of horses, and you will see how they move with and around each based on seemingly nothing, which usually means someone directed the herd energetically. Or they use a super subtle tip of the ear, or step one step closer, or lowered their head which in turn communicates something to the herd. Each of these communication tools is used when needed, and communication is seamless and interchangeable.

Now, we humans, especially dog and horse people, have learned to use our bodies to communicate. It’s called body language. That is another way of animal communication.

In addition to moving our body this way or that way to direct the animal, we can also use our energy, our life force. In my experience, energy is the biggest tool animals use when they want to bring a message across.

I am getting a visual right now that will explain it all. Let’s see where it takes us.

If you were one of the horses in that wild herd and you were in charge of provisions… horses have those roles. They are not just in a hierarchy that goes vertical, top to bottom. They are also in a horizontal relationship with each other, where nobody is more than or below others. In the horizontal herd dynamic, each horse has a role.

And, haha, dogs and cats are chiming in right now, saying, “Ehem, we do the same. Just saying!”

And right, they are. Cats and dogs also have a hierarchy and a role. The so-called ‘role’ they often call also a purpose.

Anyway, back to you being the horse in charge of provisions. The way things would most likely go is you get thirsty. You think of a river or watering hole. A mental image is created. You stick your nose into the wind and sense where the nearest water is located, and your energy is drawn toward it. Now other horses, the surveyors, the energy balancer, the grounder, are lifting their heads. They are wondering about the energy shift and waiting for direction.

Your job is to get the attention of the one who says, “Let’s go.” That horse has not yet gotten your telepathic/energetic message. She was busy. So you flick an ear to get some attention. Or, you push your muzzle toward the leader, indicating it is time to move on. Maybe you even move some of the ones below you in the hierarchy so that the one in charge realizes it is time to pay attention to you.

And that is how I see the information chain move through the individual and the herd.

You pick the tools based on the situation and circumstances you find yourself in.

Let’s dissect it for a moment.

You started with a desire … water. You thought of it, which telepathically creates a visual that others also pick up on. The energy of thirst is also something other horses could relate to. Then you used your sense of direction, one of your super horse skills/a.k.a. purpose, and peeps listened up. And then, you had to use some physical encouragement to get the herd moving in the direction of the water.

In short, you spoke with your body, mind, and intuition, all in sync.

I need to pause here because this is the seeeeeecret to communicating with animals.

If you have listened for 53 episodes, then here it is, the secret …

The most effective way to communicate with your animals is to bring your whole self. Your body, your mind, and your intuition or spirit. As hard as we sometimes try to separate the three … when we do, we simply compartmentalize. Just like it is silly to make decisions by simply trusting your mind without consulting with your body and intuition, it is also silly to only use one part of yourself to talk with your animals.

And, secret again, when you interchangeably speak, send, feel, know, and sense yourself into a way of sharing information, then you easily communicate with a horse, a kitty, a dog, or a hawk that is a friend along the way.

A few years ago, I taught animal communication classes. And as much fun as it was, I always felt for the people who could not get an answer. Or who thought they could not get an answer. Funny how closely related belief and reality sometimes are.

Then one day, I realized that I rarely communicate telepathically with my animals. Most of my communication with them is verbal and energetic. And as I communicated more and more with them verbally and energetically the more feedback I also got telepathically from the animals.

Remember, when you speak out loud, a visual of your request or desire shows up in your mind’s eye. If I say, get on your bed, I create a visual of the dog heading over to her bed. Your animal can read the visual, the laser-sharp energy of the words.

Now, I want to give you an example of seamless communication with my dog Scout at the center.

I.e., I tell Scout, “Let’s feed the horses.” We walk to the mudroom, and he stops at the wood stove to pick up one of my gloves. Thai is his self-appointed purpose. He’s in charge of gloves. I thank him with words and a treat.

As I get dressed, I watch, and if he doesn’t bring the second glove, which he often does, I ask Scout, “Please get the other glove.” He might look at me quizzically if his mind is already out the door on the next task. I point to my hand and say, “my glove,” I see him think, “Oh, yes,” before he runs to the wood stove and collects the second glove. Praise, treat. Verbal and body language.

Once outside, Scout often wants to take in the outdoors for a moment, so his body stops mine in my tracks, and I now usher him forward with energy from my solar plexus to get him moving along.

When he doesn’t respond, I verbally say, “Go, go, go,” and he moves on.

When we get to the pasture gate, we both scout out the situation, and I can feel his energy next to me tingle when I follow his gaze; I see there is a feed bucket he wants to bring into the house.

I will open the gate and let Scout in the pasture. Now he navigates the energy of the horses. If they come immediately toward Scout, he will circumvent them. I will use my solar plexus to direct the horses to slow down and let Scout go by. I might have to step in between the horses and Scout to get him safely out of the pasture. If Scout hesitates to move past the horses, I will escalate the energy in my chest to get him moving. Teamwork, right?

Once out of the pasture, Scout will bring the bucket to the house, where he gets a treat for his work.

See how we interchangeably speak, respond, adjust … send, receive, and connect?

It isn’t one thing that makes for good communication. Ideally, you are aware of all your tools and use them as needed.

Curious enough, as I just told you the example with Scout I had an insight. One of those duh moments.

Remember me saying that … once outside, Scout often wants to take in the outdoors for a moment, so his body stops mine in my tracks, and I now usher him forward with energy from my solar plexus to get him moving along.

When he doesn’t respond, I verbally say, “Go, go, go,” and he moves on.

Well, I just realized that when Scout stops, he is taking a moment to smell the roses … transition from indoor to outdoor, and he is extending an invitation for me to do the same.

He invites me to stop and smell the mountain air as well as I transition from the house to the outdoors … instead of having my mind already on filling water buckets or feeding the horses … I have the chance to connect with mother earth and my dog for a breath or two.


Humble bumble moment.

Again, animals are so wise.

My dog shows me every day how I can connect with my body and live more fully, and so far, I have rushed us both through that moment with my go, go, go verbiage. I will be open and curious and listen to him next time he stops me in my tracks, reminding me to tune in to my body and surroundings.

If you take anything away from this podcast, I hope you can feel how communicating with animals, nature, and the world at large is a dance between our body, mind, and intuition.

You are a beautiful spirit in a human body who has the ability to think, feel, sense, and project energy … why would we only use one or two of our innate abilities when there is so much to choose from.

Today, I invite you to observe what you do and which tools you use to communicate with your animals. You might be doing more than you realize, and you might notice opportunities like I just did to listen to your animal to connect more deeply within yourself and your animal.

Keep me posted. I am here, always open and curious!

Until next time, ciao, ciao, and so long.

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